Waste Management

Development of waste management system for project/organization 

The primary goal of pre-incident waste management planning is to prepare a community to effectively manage waste, debris, and materials generated by a homeland security incident, including reducing the potential amount of waste generated at the outset.



Awareness Training on Waste Management system

Reach out to stakeholders across the whole community to review and update the pre-incident  regularly

Schedule waste management-related exercises and track the schedule, scenarios exercised and stakeholders involved

Develop a training plan to address training needs for staff and equipment (e.g., National Incident Management System (NIMS), National Response Framework (NRF), technical, and health and safety training)

Incorporate any waste management lessons learned, after-action reports, and improvement plans into the pre-incident WMP




Awareness Training on Waste Managements system provides a suggested outline for a scalable, adaptable pre-incident plan that includes recommended plan contents and identifies issues to consider while developing the plan. The specific contents and organization of a WMP are flexible. This document provides a general example to help emergency managers and planners get started.