Social Development Services

Education, Health & Institutional Development

Strong national health research systems are needed to improve health systems and attain better health. For developing countries to indigenize health research systems, it is essential to build research capacity. We review the positive features and weaknesses of various approaches to capacity building, emphasizing that complementary approaches to human resource development work best in the context of a systems and long-term perspective


Community Mobilization  

Community mobilization is a process through which action is stimulated by a community itself, or by others, that is planned, carried out, and evaluated by a community’s individuals, groups, and organizations on a participatory and sustained basis to improve the health, hygiene and education levels so as to enhance the overall standard of living in the community. A group of people have transcended their differences to meet on equal terms in order to facilitate a participatory decision-making process. In other words it can be viewed as a process which begins a dialogue among members of the community to determine who, what, and how issues are decided, and also to provide an avenue for everyone to participate in decisions that affect their lives.

The few mobilizers available can not reach every community in need of an intervention to encourage empowerment and self reliance. In the case of Uganda CMP, there were ten local council mobilizers in each parish.. These were unpaid volunteers originally set up as part of the Resistance Movement who were recruited to raise awareness about Museveni’s form of participatory democracy.. We offered them training and a few perks, such as tee shirts and bicycles, and they extended the mobilization efforts of CDOs and CDAs (Community Development Officers and their Assistants).